Fatina Nassif, exclusive agent of Dectro International in Lebanon & the Middle East, lived in Montreal where she pursed her studies at Dectro International- Apilus Academy CANADA and underwent extensive training.

A few years later, she travelled back to Lebanon, her beloved home country, and was adamant about introducing Electrolysis-permanent hair removal treatment there, making her the first person to ever take this step.


In 1994, Fatina became the exclusive agent of Dectro International in Lebanon and the Middle East.

As time advanced, her business boomed and she started prospecting new clients, as well as receiving inquiries from beauticians who were interested in learning about Electrolysis and purchasing the top-notch machine.


In 2010, she inaugurated her own Academy, Fatina Del Mare, where she started offering electrolysis, laser hair removal, dermabrasion and facial sessions to aesthetic enthusiasts.

In the following years, she made sure to expand her connection by attending trade shows in the region and selling to other Arab countries.

Fatina has ever since been contributing to the development of Electrolysis and laser hair removal worldwide

Why Us?

You will be working with and supervised by the number ONE permanent hair removal company in the world - since 1978


transparency, professionalism, accuracy and hygiene.


design innovative products and offer superior quality service and training to improve the health and quality of life of our audience by providing affordable hair removal treatments. We make this possible through our diverse client - focused selection of machines that are ready to make you look good and feel good!


make laser hair removal and electrolysis a worldwide painless treatment available for both, men and women.

Accomplishments & Awards

Our reputable company, which stands out among all others, has been internationally recognized for its exceptional machines and finest customer service.

Therefore, Dectro has been awarded the prestigious Dermal Papilla Award for the team’s outstanding contribution to the Electrolysis advancement worldwide.

Also, a Certificate of Appreciation has been awarded to the Apilus-Dectro Team at Dubai Derma, the 19th Dermatology and Laser Conference & Exhibition, in gratitude for the outstanding efforts and contribution to the exhibition.

Photo Gallery

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  • CEO, Fatina Nassif, receiving the Dermal Papilla Award by Dectro International Canada
  • Dubai Derma 2021
  • Elite Clinic Oman