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Advanced Microdermabrasion System

The Vitapeel is a microdermabrasion device designed to remove dead skin from the skin surface and to reduce the appearance of scars, acne wrinkles, pigmented spots, dull complexion and other skin imperfections. The numerous advantages of the VitaPeel microdermabrasion technology include two distinct phases (vacuum and microdermabrasion), two motors with dual pumps, a DryFlo anti- moisture system and the hands-free CrystalVac anti-residue system to remove dead skin. With these technological advantages, the VitaPeel clearly stands out from the competition. Designed by Dectro, the VitaPeel system combines two mechanical exfoliation techniques in one device. This allows you to select either diamond tips or microcrystals to adapt the treatment to your client's skin.

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    Intended uses:
    - Removes dead skin from the skin surface
    - Improve the appearance of superficial scars, including acne scars

    Accessories Included
    - Titanium applicator nozzle
    - 20 disposable nozzle caps
    - Footswitch
    - 2 kg (4.4lbs) of ultrafine aluminium oxide microcrystals (corundum)
    - 180 g (6oz) of silica granules
    - 24 Vitali•T masks
    - Funnel
    - Filter
    - Cleaning bulb and brush

    - Two independently operated phases (vacuum and microdermabrasion) offering more flexibility and better results
    - Dryflo anti-moisture system to prevent blockage
    - CristalVac anti-residue system to remove crystals remaining on the skin
    - Safe, hygienic and comfortable
    - Two motors and four pumps for effective microdermabrasion
    - Up to 60 pressure levels
    - Diamond tip kit available in option
    - Pressure valve to clean all tubes
    - Meets international standards
    - Two-year warranty, training and advertising material available

    - Favours cellular renewal
    - Eliminates dead skin cells and improves skin complexion
    - Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and signs of aging
    - Fades the aspect of pigment spots and evens the complexion
    - Smoothes the aspect of skin blemishes and stretch marks
    - Revitalizes the skin

    - 39.1 cm (15.4") × 40.6 cm (16") × 21.6 cm (8.5")

    - 7 kg (15.4 pd.)

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